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Work Completion/Assignment Policy  

Assignments serve as a significant extension or reinforcement of what your student has learned within the classroom. As an important part of your student’s academic program, assignments will be assigned on a limited, but regular basis.  Students will be instructed to record each assignment in their agendas. I ask for your assistance in helping your student learn the importance of completing and returning assignments on time.  Band and orchestra students are responsible for asking the teacher/another student or consulting the classroom assignment chart for work they miss while out of the room.


Incomplete Assignments

An incomplete assignment is one that is not fully complete on the date it is due. 

1 day late = -10% off grade

2 days late = -20% off grade

After 3 days, a zero is entered in the grade book for the assignment.


 If a pattern of late or incomplete work emerges, parents/guardians will be contacted to discuss strategies for improving assignment completion. Missing or late assignments will be communicated via e-mail or TigerView. I would encourage each family to check TigerView multiple times each week as this district provided tool provides immediate feedback on a student’s performance in the classroom.  Missing or late assignments will be noted on Tigerview.


Assignments After Absence(s)

Following an excused absence, students are permitted one day for each missed day to turn in assignments. If a student misses a quiz or test, the student needs to schedule a time with me to make up the quiz or test.


Please contact me if you have any questions. 


Mrs. Linnemeyer




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